I believe in exhausting every personal resource to create something excellent. By doing so you find out what your made of and can turn natural talents into skills along the way. I am convinced, you cannot go to the next level if you haven’t done all you can do on the level your on. If a person does make it to the “next level” but skipped important “steps” on their previous level they will not be able to keep up with the pace in the new environment.
I am a actor/writer/filmmaker. I have been allowed to create an entertaining way to teach with the production of a feature length film “Interview with the Prince”. I believe, not only is the film encouraging but also the production process. You don’t have to be a filmmaker to be inspired by the movie or the production story.
Alone, I performed every production task from writing, preproduction, casting, set design, filming, acting, editing and creating the artwork, along with many other tasks. Once the world is able to see the quality of the production, I believe filmmakers and non-filmmakers will be inspired to use what they have and do more with less.